Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Relative Dating Cornell Notes

Topic: Relative Dating
Essential Question: How do we measure the relative ages of rock layers and what does that tell us?

Stop at the end of geologic column, do not do the notes on absolute dating.

Relative Dating Powerpoint

Friday, September 11, 2015

Cooling From the Heat of Nature

The Cooling from the Warmth of Nature
By Michael Stahl
David and Karen Sullivan bought their first home after building their savings over the course of the first three years of their marriage. Buying a home was an important goal for them. Like many folks who buy a house, they feel their purchase is primarily a place to live but is also an investment.
There are hopes for many homeowners that, if necessary or possible, they might one day resell their property at a higher price than originally purchased. Such fortune is called a “return” on an investment. David and Karen were certainly considering such an outcome when they decided to choose that particular home, though it was also going to be the place where they anticipated raising a child or two. It was a very nice house with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a basement, and an attic. There was a backyard and a lawn, plus a driveway and garage. David and Karen bought it for an unexpectedly low price, but there was a good reason for that. The one thing that was unappealing about the house was that it was well over 50 years old and needed to be fixed up a bit. David and Karen decided to use the extra money they had left over from their purchase to update the home and make it a little bit more modern. Then, they would feel more comfortable raising their future children there, and David and Karen would also be a little more confident that they would one day get a return on their investment.
“We definitely need to get the basement walls redone to keep the mold out,” said Karen to David over lunch the day after their successful, fun housewarming party.
“I agree. Mold can be poisonous and, really, it’s just a matter of time before the foundation is too old and deteriorated to prevent mold from growing,” replied David.
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The Cooling from the Warmth of Nature
They agreed to make the basement project their top priority. However, they would still have some money left over for even more home improvements.
“Maybe we should just save the money for when we need it,” Karen pondered aloud.
“I just read somewhere recently that solar power panels can be a wonderful investment, though,” replied David.
“Oh?” Karen asked. “How so?”
David popped open his laptop and found the article he had read on the Internet a few days prior. It was not long after reading it alongside his wife that both he and Karen agreed: solar power panels would be the way to go for them and their new home.
Solar power is simply the use of sunlight to create electricity. Machines that are capable of performing such a transformation use lenses or mirrors to harness all of the sunlight they can absorb into one concentrated beam. A process called the “photoelectric effect” strips electrons from out of the atoms that make up the rays of light, creating electricity. From that point on, the solar power electricity can be used for anything that typically needs an electric current: power tools, televisions, lighting, and air conditioning.
One particular reason David and Karen thought powering their home by using the sun’s rays was a good idea is that solar power is considered one of the “greenest” energies available. In other words, using solar energy is much less harmful to the environment than many other forms. For instance, when it comes to toxic or greenhouse gases, like carbon, it is estimated that solar energy releases somewhere between onetenth and onetwentieth of the amount of oil and gas energy— an incredible ratio.
Many scientists argue that the rise in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has jumpstarted the global warming the earth is undoubtedly experiencing. David and Karen quickly found that using solar energy would reduce their “carbon footprint.” A carbon footprint is the average amount of carbon a person will unleash into the air. It is based on the way people live and how much energy they typically use on a daytoday basis. So, David and Karen’s installation of solar power panels would make them feel proud to have helped the earth in a positive way.
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The Cooling from the Warmth of Nature
Many of the earth’s resources are used for energy purposes. Aside from the fact that coal and oil negatively impact the environment when put into use, they also become scarcer. Nobody is exactly sure how much oil remains underneath the earth’s surface or how much coal may be down in the mines. However, many people have speculated that these two particular resources, which are depended upon greatly by mankind, are finite. This means that, eventually, the earth will run out of them.
To battle this, governments, including the United States, have begun to give out financial benefits to those who decide to invest in solar power for their own personal needs, provided that they follow certain requirements. Officials think it is virtually impossible to completely change how people get their energy in a span of a few years or even decades. It seems clear, though, that government officials feel this change is something that will eventually happen, and perhaps must happen if mankind is going to truly try and help improve the environment of the planet they call home. So, various heads of state are seeing that more and more people feel compelled to get solar power for their homes with the hope that, over time, the industry will become less costly, thus naturally influencing even more people to make the switch.
In David and Karen’s case, the U.S. government offered them a tax refund for installing their solar power panels. They had expected cash back from the government, which was a big reason for their decision to turn to solar power, but it was not the only way that David and Karen would financially benefit from using solar power for their home.
Local electric companies work in conjunction with the owners of homes who have installed solar power panels. The sun provides electricity to the home, but not as much when clouds are not overhead. So, the electric company powers the home when the sun cannot. The solar power system in a home can store electricity when it is needed at a later date—saving it for a rainy day, literally! The electric company can charge homeowners for the power that they provide. Between all of the sunny days and the time when the reserve power is used by the home, this adds up to significant potential savings for homeowners on their electric bills.
For David and Karen, installing solar power panels was a nobrainer. As time went on, the cost for the panels eventually found its way back into their pockets, just in time for the arrival of their first child, Janie, who enjoys lowcost air conditioning in her first bedroom.
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Questions: The Cooling from the Warmth of Nature
Name: _____________ Date: _______________________ 

1. What do David and Karen use to help power their home?

A windmills
B water wheels 
C steamshovels 
D solar panels

2. What does this passage compare and contrast with solar energy?
  1. A  This passage compares and contrasts wind and nuclear energy with solar energy.
  2. B  This passage compares and contrasts oil and gas energy with solar energy.
  3. C  This passage compares and contrasts geothermal energy with solar energy.
  4. D  This passage compares and contrasts microwave energy with solar energy.
3. Solar energy is less harmful to the environment than many other forms of energy are. What evidence from the passage supports this statement?
  1. A  Solar energy releases one-tenth to one-twentieth as much toxic greenhouse gas as oil and gas energy.
  2. B  The machines capable of turning solar energy into electricity use lenses or mirrors to harness sunlight.
  3. C  Many scientists argue that global warming is a result of more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than before.
  4. D  The house that David and Karen buy has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a basement, and an attic.
4. Why might the United States government offer financial benefits to people who install solar panels in their homes?
  1. A  to encourage people to vote
  2. B  to discourage people from voting
  3. C  to encourage people to use solar power
  4. D  to discourage people from using solar power
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Questions: The Cooling from the Warmth of Nature
5. What is this passage mostly about?
  1. A  gas energy, the photoelectric effect, greenhouse gases, and carbon footprints
  2. B  thereasonthatayoungmarriedcouplewasabletobuyanicehouseforalowprice
  3. C  the financial benefits that some governments offer people who have solar
    panels built for their homes
  4. D  solar power and a married couple who install solar panels for their home
6. Read the following sentence: “Solar power is simply the use of sunlight to create electricity.’”
What does the word “solar” mean?
A having to do with the sun
B having to do with the wind 
C having to do with the ocean 
D having to do with animals

7. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below.
David and Karen want to improve their home; ______, they decide to have solar panels

added to it.
A however
B on the other hand C previously
D consequently
8. What can electricity from solar power be used for? ________________________________________________________________



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Questions: The Cooling from the Warmth of Nature
9. According to the passage, how can people save money by using solar power in their home?




10. Explain why installing solar panels was a “no-brainer” for David and Karen. Support your answer with evidence from the passage.

Earth's Systems Study Guide

Link to Study Guide

Vocab Notecards

Vocab notecard instructions:

One side of the card has the word or term

Opposite side of the card has:

Definition: (can be from the book or glossary)

Use it in a sentence: (The sentence should be relevant, not I like _________)

Sketch to show you in a picture form what the word/term means (stick figures are fine with me)

Explaining Earth's Systems

Explaining Earth's Systems instructions

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome to 8th Grade Science!!

Welcome back to school and welcome to 8th grade science. This year we will be studying earth science,chemistry, classification and natural selection. Of course we will also be doing inquiry and engineering design along the journey. We will learn many new ideas with the help of labs, videos, our books, and projects. I am looking forward to an exciting and busy year ahead in science class!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Valence Electrons and Chemical Equation Test

The next test in class will be on Friday 4/17 covering Unit 3 lesson 3 and Unit 4 lesson 1.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

Elements, Compounds, and States of Matter Due Dates

Elements, Compounds, and States of Matter Due Dates

Note cards are due on March 5
Summative Unit Test on March 6

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Engineering Design Notes

Slide presentation of engineering design terms and process

Link to engineering design notes for packet

Daily questions:
What is the first step in the engineering design process?

What is a constraint?

What is an engineering design priority?

What do engineers do?

What is the problem in your lego project?

What are the constraints in your lego project?

What are the criteria in your lego project?

What is a trade off in your lego project?

Describe how you are testing your lego project.

What are the steps, in order, for engineering design?